Is Your Liquor Bottle Display Boring?
In the highly-competitive world of selling liquor, you need a way to stand out from the crowd. Why should your bar look like every other bar in town, whether it’s a free-standing business, part of a restaurant or within an entertainment venue? You have the power to design a liquor bottle display that gets noticed.
Create Better Ambience with LED Lights
One thing is certain, bars fare best with subdued lighting. While you can illuminate the space in many ways, if you add LED lighted shelves, your special bar equipment performs quadruple duty. First, the LED strip lighting embedded in the shelving casts a mysterious glow through your liquor bottles, automatically rendering them more attractive. Second, the shelf lighting can take the place of other, traditional lighting modules which also use more energy than LEDs. Third, because you enjoy a wide array of colors from the LEDs, you can seamlessly blend them into your decorating scheme. Finally, your extraordinary lighted bottle display serves as — you guessed it — shelves.
Let Your Liquor Bottle Display Dance
Did you know that the LED lights in your shelves can do more than simply add a monochromatic mystery to your liquor display? Why stop at one simple color when you can program your lights to rotate hues at intervals of your choosing and even to dance to the music? Pulsing lights attract attention, especially if you match them with spunky music. And there’s no reason the LEDs can’t do both, pulse and flip through a huge array of colors at the same time. Using your remote controller, you’re the boss of the light show.
With LED lights in your liquor bottle display, your drink venue can take on a memorable flavor. Your regular clientele will love the change, and newcomers may easily become your new familiar crowd. Why wait to banish the same old boring bar design when you can up the ante in your establishment today.
Shop for your Liquor Bottle Display at https://www.ledbaseline.com/product-category/led-display-shelves/